Avalanche Network

What is Avalanche Network and How Does it Work?

Explained in 5 Minutes: https://youtu.be/4GIsieFUXMw?si=SwcXzINau7NyseOo The GDPC Token, Powered by AreteIQ will have a sales price of $3.03 per token. During the Pre-Sale and Fair Launch, individuals are able to acquire the GDPC Token at a deep discount. The GDPC Token is a “Utility Token” and designed to hold the value of approximately three ($3) USD (for payroll and compensation purposes. The GDPC Token will be accepted within the ecosystem for; Food, Housing, Education, and Compensation for Employment.

The GDPC Token will start (Pre-Sale) on October 4th, 2023 and initially be sold at; 0.12121212 and increase in value over the subsequent four (4) weeks.

This token value will be utilized for compensation and payroll purposes.

On November 1st, 2023 the GDPC Token will continue 104-Week Fair Launch at the price of; 0.26532653 and gradually increase (.3335% per day) in value until it reaches the sales price of $3.03 per token on August 31st, 2025. The GDPC Token is a “Utility Token” and not expected to increase in value over the price of $3.03. Please see the market / current price over the 104 week Fair Launch of GDPC. This token value will be utilized for compensation and payroll purposes. Below is a link illustrating the week by week increase in value. https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/dailycompound?a=0.26532653&p=.3335&pp=daily&y=0&m=24&d=0&dr=100&iw=y&do=&rt=n&md=0&rp=monthly&od=0&odd=&rw=0&rwp=monthly&sd=2024-01-01&c=1 View WEEKLY Earnings Breakdown.

The GDPC Token has a total supply of 3,960,000,000. Breakdown Below.

TOTAL % = 100% TOTAL TOKENS: 3,960,000,000

Last updated